What Are Healthy Snack Options? - Health Channel


What Are Healthy Snack Options? |

What Are Healthy Snack Options?

When you are hungry in between meals it is easy to go for a candy bar to tie you over, but there are a lot of options for healthy snacks. In an interview with the Health Channel, Cathy Clark-Reyes, Registered Dietitian with Baptist Health Primary Care gives examples of balanced snacks. 

Cathy says that a good snack should keep you satisfied so you do not get hungry again in an hour. Cathy mentions how people like to buy those 100 calorie snack packs and that, “people think that they’re healthier but they’re really just a smaller portion. You’re going to eat like three of those and they don’t exactly fill you up. The last thing you want is to get a snack that’s going to leave you hungry in 45 minutes or an hour.” Food that fills you up is good, and if it can offer a little bit of fiber or some healthy fats, that is even better. Fiber and healthy fats allow food to stay in the gut for longer. 

During the interview, Cathy brings out some snack options she recommends. She says that veggies make for a good start to a healthy snack, especially paired with something with healthy fats, like olives. She says, “My six-year-old loves them actually. I pack them for school, two black olives. They make great snacks.”

Guacamole and hummus are great for dipping your veggies into. Cathy recommends viewers to use vegetables for dip, not chips. You can use cucumbers, radishes, cherry tomatoes, or peppers as tasty substitutes for chips. 

Nut bars, if they are not loaded with sugar, also make for good snacks. The nuts help you feel fuller for longer and if you are in the mood for a sweet treat, a chocolate drizzle on them can be nice. 

For more healthy snacks recommendations, watch: https://youtu.be/tWKvr7B4zUU 

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