Where Teens Can Find Help | Building Bridges - Health Channel


Where Teens Can Find Help | Building Bridges |

Where Teens Can Find Help | Building Bridges, Health Channel

It’s normal for teens to get moody and irritable from time to time. The coronavirus pandemic has made things worse for many, especially for those teens who identify as LGBTQ. The isolation and loneliness associated with social distancing can heighten concerns about their mental well-being.


Where Teens Can Find Help | Building Bridges, Health Channel

It’s normal for teens to get moody frustrated and irritable from time to time but this coronavirus pandemic has made things worse for many especially for those teens who identify as LGBTQ they face many unique challenges in rejection but the isolation and loneliness can heighten concerns about their mental well-being we already have a population who may be dealing with various difficulties it could be social anxiety it could be another transition if we layer additional stressors on top of our already strained coping system we’re gonna see an exacerbation of those symptoms we definitely want to keep an eye on those vulnerable populations call the LGBTQ National Youth talk line at one eight hundred two four six seven seven four three which offers support for the LGBTQ community ages 25 and younger and anyone can call the 2-1-1 national helpline for free or low-cost Mental Health Resources

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