Multiple Metatarsal Fracture
Dr. Derek Papp, Sports Medicine Physician with Miami Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute, explains the metatarsals are the bones inside of the foot and they are prone to an overuse injury, because players will get kind of a stress fracture that develops over time and then eventually it goes on to break. He also says…...
Read MoreRelieving Foot Pain
One of the tips that you can follow for relieving foot pain is paying attention to everyday aches. Wayne Goldstein, Podiatric Physician at Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute, says sometimes problems start very minor and there is not a lot of discomfort, but you feel something is not right. He recommends to act early…...
Read MoreCauses of Plantar Fasciitis
With a 3D imaging, Phillip DePaola, Physician Assistant with Miami Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Institute, explains what plantar fasciitis is. He describes plantar fasciitis is a very common condition and it occurs when the sole of the foot is injured because of an activity or from inflexibility. Those micro tears can cause discomfort and pain.…...
Read MoreFoot Pain: Causes and Surgery
There are some foot conditions that often require surgery. Christopher Hodgkins, Orthopedic Surgeon at Miami Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute, explains they are bunions and hammertoes, which are deformities of the toes and there are others that don't necessarily need surgery, such as plantar fasciitis and bone spurs. To prevent problems in the future, it…...
Read MoreStages of Varicose Veins
How does a varicose vein look from the inside of the body? Dr. Edgar Galinanes, Vascular Surgeon with Miami Cardiac and Vascular Institute, explains with a 3D image the different stages varicose veins have...
Read MoreFoot pain, more common than you think
A lot of people are suffering from foot pain. Wayne Goldstein, Podiatric Physician at Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute, says it is a very common case seen every time. "When we walk just normal everyday activity you can exert up to 120 % of your body weight on your feet and when you run,…...
Read MoreBefore and After Bunion Surgery
When you see a before and after image of a bunion surgery you can really notice the big difference the surgery does on the patient. You can see how they fix the big bump on the inside of the toe. Christopher Hodgkins, Orthopedic Surgeon at Miami Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute, says the recovery is…...
Read MoreFlat Feet: Diagnosis and Treatment
Dr. Roger Saldana, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon with Miami Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute at Baptist Children's Hospital, explains there are severe cases where the foot is just too flat or rigid, or the arch is way too high and rigid and those can cause problems. He says flat feet is genetic. "The ligaments and the…...
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