Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Teens and Polypharmacy

Dr. Yvon Petiote, Family Medicine Physician with Bethesda Hospital, Baptist Health, says the younger population is becoming more sedentary, some of them do not play outside the house, and they spend time playing video games or in front of the TV. "That lifestyle has increased some of the chronic conditions that we typically see in…...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Causes of Lower Back Pain in Teenagers

Lower back pain is a common problem that can also affect teenagers. Some of the causes of back pain in teens are poor posture, continuously sitting in front of a computer or watching TV and obesity. Jose Mena, Interventional Spine Specialist at Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute, says he sees teens that have football…...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Helping Teens to Avoid Depression

Graciela Jimenez, Psychotherapist with Care & Counseling, and Amy Exum, Psychotherapist with Care & Counseling at Baptist Health South Florida, agree about how activity can help and improve the adolescent behavior. Exercise is such a big component to helping with depression, because it improves the mood, helps release endorphins and the chemicals that the body…...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Treating Teens with Depression

Amy Exum, Psychotherapist with Care & Counseling at Baptist Health South Florida, affirms family therapy is really important with adolescents. “With adults we may not necessarily include other family members. But, having parents involved is going to be extremely important,” she says. Therapists find that teens have more anger and irritability than adults. That's why…...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Risks of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Most women between the ages of 50 and 60 are usually not necessarily manifesting symptoms of Alzheimer’s. Dr. Michelle Starke, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, reassures their patients that estrogen is going to be beneficial in helping to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. The risks of hormone replacement therapy are: blood clots,…...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Estrogen: Benefits and Risks

Dr. Michelle Starke, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, advises educating the patient on the pros and cons of estrogen, because there are numerous systemic benefits for women using estrogen. She describes estrogen improves blood flow to the brain, the patient is going to have less word finding issues, less memory lapses, it’s…...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Learning about Perimenopause

What is perimenopause? Dr. Robert Feldman, Chief and Medical Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology with Baptist Health South Florida, explains this term and talks about how it affects women in their 40s...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Dealing with menopausal hot flashes

Hot flashes at night are signs of menopause in women. Agueda Hernández, Medical doctor at Baptist Health Primary Care, says it is important for doctors to make sure nothing else is going on, because they can be symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, for example. It is needed to assess the patient's risk of being on hormone…...
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