Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Male Menopause, a Challenging Tag

Manuel Torres, Family Medicine Physician at Baptist Health Primary Care, explains menopause is an ovarian failure or an inability to produce sex hormones and men don't technically go through a menopause where the testicles no longer function and work, which is why old men can still conceive. According to him, a man that starts suffering…...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Perimenopause and Antidepressants

Do antidepressants help with perimenopause symptoms? Dr. Robert Feldman, Chief and Medical Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology with Baptist Health South Florida, explains how antidepressants are related to perimenopause signs and the two different ways they work to decrease hot flashes...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Improving bone health during menopause

There are some steps to improve bone health, such as not smoking, not drinking too much alcohol, talking to your doctor and taking an osteoporosis medication. Agueda Hernández, Medical doctor at Baptist Health Primary Care, says taking calcium is necessary for building bone and vitamin D helps to absorb that calcium. She also recommends women…...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Signs of Perimenopause

How can you tell if you are having perimenopause? Dr. Robert Feldman, Chief and Medical Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology with Baptist Health South Florida, talks about its symptoms, such as hot flashes, lower sex drive, and fatigue, among others...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Perimenopause: Diagnosis

How can a woman be diagnosed with perimenopause? Dr. Robert Feldman, Chief and Medical Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology with Baptist Health South Florida, explains the importance of the symptoms, such as irregular periods, and how the hormone levels fluctuate and their incidence in the blood tests...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Health effects connected to menopause

There are other health effects after menopause. Agueda Hernández, Medical doctor at Baptist Health Primary Care, says cardiovascular risks increase for women after menopause. Osteoporosis, cholesterol and cardiovascular issues are the main key risks for women. The doctor recommends having a bone density exam for men who have had a fracture...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Overcoming Menopause With Estrogen Replacement

Estrogen replacement is an option for those women with menopause. Agueda Hernández, Medical doctor at Baptist Health Primary Care, says this long-term replacement can come with its risks, so doctors try to treat the patient with the lowest dose for a short a time as possible. She also highlights treatment for menopause is an individual…...
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Ask Hanna Answers, Health Channel

Menopause: Symptoms & Causes

Hot flashes come from the hypothalamus and it’s a rising of heat and women feel flushed, her face may turn red and they may start to bead with sweat, says Dr. Debra Kenward, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida. There are others symptoms of menopause like mood changes, fatigue, stress tiredness and vaginal…...
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