How does an iron deficiency affect someone?
Iron is an important building block for red blood cells. When the body lacks adequate amounts of iron, red blood cells become smaller and are produced in inadequate numbers. This results in decreased hemoglobin levels, the protein that transports oxygen in red blood cells. This condition is known as iron deficiency anemia and is the…...
Read MoreWhat is the correct way to use sunscreen?
The topic of sunscreen use is ripe with controversy and misconceptions. Some authorities advocate against their use, believing that too little sun exposure will reduce the body's vitamin D levels with the increased risk of osteoporosis and certain cancers (breast, colon, and prostate). The American Academy of Dermatology, on the other hand, strongly recommends sun…...
Read MoreAre there any benefits to riding bike?
Sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists, May is National Bike Month and is an opportunity to celebrate the many reasons that people choose to ride. For some, bicycles represent their primary means of transportation. Many people ride bikes as a means to health and fitness. Others yet find pleasure and perspective from a bicycle…...
Read MoreWhy do women get a preventive mastectomy?
Preventive mastectomy, done to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer, involves the surgical removal of one or both breasts. This procedure, also called prophylactic mastectomy, was in the news recently when actress Angelina Jolie announced her decision to undergo the procedure. Women with certain risk factors are much more likely to develop breast cancer…...
Read MoreCan barbequed food make me sick?
Foodborne illness increases dramatically during the summer months, in part due to more people using outdoor grills or cooking while camping. When cooking outdoors, food safety features that a home kitchen provides, such as temperature-controlled cooking, refrigeration, and washing facilities, are not always available. This increases the risk of "Bar-b-que Belly", or acute gastroenteritis related…...
Read MoreHow beneficial is a PSA in screening for prostate cancer?
A few years ago, there was marked disparity among experts as to whether and how screening for prostate cancer should be performed. At that time, the American Cancer Society recommended that the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test and digital rectal exam (DRE) should be done yearly, beginning at age 50, assuming the man had at…...
Read MoreAre there health benefits to having pets?
The U.S. is a pet-loving country, with around two-thirds of all households reporting owning a dog or cat. To put this into perspective, this amounts to approximately 78.2 million dogs and 86.4 million cats owned by Americans. A cancer specialist affiliated with the Mayo Clinic once noted that "a pet is a medication without side…...
Read MoreCan some pets make people sick?
Last article we looked at "good" aspects of pet ownership, ways that pets can contribute to our health and well-being. This week, we'll look at animals that many authorities consider to be inappropriate as pets. We'll also consider some of the illnesses that can be transmitted from animals to humans. The Bad-Inappropriate Pets: According to…...
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