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Ask Hanna answers

When is Gastric Bypass surgery a good option?

When is Gastric Bypass surgery a good option?

Regular readers of eDoc's Health Tips have learned that sensible eating habits and maintenance of ideal weight are important keys to staying healthy. There are instances, however, that in spite of best intentions, weight loss becomes an unachievable goal. In many people who have had no success with conventional methods of losing weight, gastric bypass…...
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Can children have hypertension and type 2 diabetes?

Can children have hypertension and type 2 diabetes?

Chronic illnesses, such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and hypercholesterolemia, are primarily thought of as diseases that affect adults. Over the past decade, however, these same illnesses or their predecessors have become increasingly common in children and adolescents. High blood pressure (hypertension) is a well-known condition that affects almost a third of adults…...
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Why should I finish my antibiotics when I'm feeling better?

Why should I finish my antibiotics when I’m feeling better?

Many uncomplicated bacterial illnesses such as strep throat or ear infections respond quickly after starting treatment with antibiotics. This can lead to people failing to complete the entire course of prescribed treatment. Why then, considering the expense and risk of side effects, should we heed the common medical advice to complete an entire course of…...
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What is a peanut allergy?

What is a peanut allergy?

Eight types of food account for over 90% of allergic reactions in affected individuals: milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy, and wheat. Of these, the one most capable of producing a severe allergic reaction is peanuts. It has been estimated that approximately 400,000 school-aged children in the United States have a peanut allergy.…...
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Are there any dangers inside my home?

Are there any dangers inside my home?

People like to think of their home as a safe haven, a place where they can feel comfortable and secure. But our homes can pose risks to our well-being also. The ground on which houses stand, the materials from which they're constructed, as well as the mechanical systems designed to improve our comfort all have…...
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Are there any alternatives to a colonoscopy?

Are there any alternatives to a colonoscopy?

Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths for men and women in the United States. Every year, about 140,000 Americans are diagnosed with colorectal cancer, and more than 50,000 people die from it. For some time it has been known that the earlier that colon cancer is detected, the better the survival…...
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What is the Peripheral Nervous System and what is Peripheral Neuropathy?

What is the Peripheral Nervous System and what is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral Neuropathy (PN) is one of the most common, yet least well known, chronic conditions in the U.S., affecting over 20 million people. PN is not a single disease, but is a group of over 100 disorders that occur due to various conditions affecting the peripheral nervous system.What is the Peripheral Nervous System? The nervous…...
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What are symptoms Peripheral Neuropathy and is treatment available?

What are symptoms Peripheral Neuropathy and is treatment available?

Last article, we learned that Peripheral Neuropathy (PN) affects the peripheral nervous system, the network of nerves that transmits information from central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) to the rest of the body. It was noted that PN is not a single disease, but is a condition with over 100 causes in which transmission…...
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