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Ask Hanna answers

What are some of the most important medical breakthroughs in recent history?

What are some of the most important medical breakthroughs in recent history?

Perform a google search on "the most important medical breakthroughs" and you are likely to find items such as "Man Walks Again after Being Chopped in Half" or "Teen lived 118 days without Heart".  But in terms of having an effect on decreasing the burden of disease and increasing longevity, there are three much less…...
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How should children be protected from the sun?

How should children be protected from the sun?

A single blistering sunburn in childhood or adolescence doubles a person's chances of developing melanoma skin cancer later in life.  Other types of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, are directly related to long-term sun exposure.  Children often spend a good part of their day playing outdoors in the sun, especially during…...
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Should I be concerned about infections caused by "flesh-eating bacteria"?

Should I be concerned about infections caused by “flesh-eating bacteria”?

Recently, several reports of infections caused by "flesh eating bacteria" have appeared in the news.  Such infections have been responsible for amputations as well as death.  In one instance, the infection appears to have developed after a serious cut was exposed to contaminated water.  Just how common is this disease and do we need to…...
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Is eating fish really good for brain health?

Is eating fish really good for brain health?

Some old wives' tales, such as arthritis resulting from cracking knuckles, have not held up to scientific scrutiny.  Others have stood the test of time, such as the idea that drinking cranberry juice can help fight urinary tract infections.  The concept of fish being good for the health of the brain has also gained credibility…...
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What is a Heart Murmur?

What is a Heart Murmur?

Heart murmurs are sounds made by blood moving through the valves that control the flow of blood between the chambers of the heart or to the major blood vessels leaving the heart.  They are usually described as a "whooshing" sound, occurring at a certain point during the "lub-dub" cycle of each heartbeat.  Click here to…...
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Is a Heart Murmur something to be concerned about?

Is a Heart Murmur something to be concerned about?

Heart murmurs are sounds made by blood moving through the valves that control the flow of blood between the chambers of the heart or to the major blood vessels leaving the heart.  They are usually described as a "whooshing" sound, occurring at a certain point during the "lub-dub" cycle of each heartbeat.  Last week we…...
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What is Parkinson's Disease?

What is Parkinson’s Disease?

What do Michael J. Fox, Mohammed Ali, and more than a million people in the U.S. have in common? All have a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system known as Parkinson's disease. It is named after the English doctor James Parkinson, who in 1817 called the disease "shaking palsy", after one of the condition's…...
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Is it dangerous to exercise extreme heat

Is it dangerous to exercise extreme heat?

This summer has seen record breaking heat, particularly in the northeast part of the U.S. Based on news reports, this summer may set a record for heat-related illness and deaths also.  Heat-related illnesses (e.g., heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat syncope, or heatstroke) can develop when high temperatures overwhelm the body's natural ability to dissipate heat. …...
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