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Ask Hanna answers

Are black widow spiders bites deadly?

Are black widow spiders bites deadly?

Black widow spider (Latrodectus mactans)   The female black widow spider is a shiny, inky black spider that measures (including its legs) anywhere from one-half to one inch in length.  The male is much smaller and does not cause envenomation in humans.  The most distinguishing characteristic is a red to orange-colored marking on the underside of…...
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Is it better to do cardio or weight lifting exercise?

Is it better to do cardio or weight lifting exercise?

Back in the early 70's, Kenneth Cooper, M.D popularized the term "aerobics", which referred to the types of exercise that focused on cardiorespiratory fitness. This spurred on the jogging, cycling and walking craze which continues today. Aerobic exercise, also known as "cardiovascular" or "cardio" exercise, utilizes major muscles such as those in the arms and…...
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Could I have Celiac Disease?

Could I have Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease is an inherited digestive disorder of unknown cause that affects the small intestine. Other names for this condition are celiac sprue, nontropical sprue, and gluten-sensitive enteropathy. If someone in your immediate family has it, chances are about 10 percent that you may have it too. Once thought rare, celiac disease has recently been…...
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Why do my feet hurt?

Why do my feet hurt?

It's no surprise that foot problems are common when you recognize that your feet bear the entire weight of the body with each step.  Congenital abnormalities, altered foot mechanics, excessive activity, and inappropriate footwear are responsible for most problems affecting the feet, such as: Bunions Morton's neuroma Hammer toe Fallen arches, also known as flat…...
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What is the function of the pancreas?

What is the function of the pancreas?

In medical school I learned the first rule of surgery: "Eat when you can, sleep when you can, and don't mess with the pancreas." It may seem funny that the pancreas, of all organs, is held in such high regard by surgeons. What would make it as notable to them as eating and sleeping? As…...
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Why do I have trouble peeing?

Why do I have trouble peeing?

One of the funniest "vanity" license plates I've seen was owned by a urologist (doctor who specializes in bladder, prostate, and kidney issues). It read, "NOPCME." In other words, "No pee? See me!" I'll never forget that blue sports car (though in retrospect, it probably should have been yellow!) Urinary issues (both difficulty getting urine…...
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Why do some people have to be put on a ventilator?

Why do some people have to be put on a ventilator?

Have you ever wondered why a person needs to be on a ventilator? Ok, so maybe you haven't. Now that you think about it, though, do you know why? Well, it's usually one of two reasons - either their lungs are damaged and they need help getting air in and out of them, or their…...
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How long is our intestine?

How long is our intestine?

Do you know how long you can survive without food or water? The answer may vary depending on how well stocked you are to start (and the environment - how hot/dry it is), but on average, we can survive about a month without food, and 10-14 days without hydration. When you think about it, we…...
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