What is Macular Degeneration?
The retina is the light-sensitive layer of tissue that lines the inside of the eye and sends visual messages through the optic nerve to the brain. The macula is a portion of the retina which provides the detailed, central vision needed for activities such as reading and driving. Macular degeneration is the breakdown of this…...
Read MoreIs my sweat normal?
Sweating is a physiologic process whose primary purpose is to help with regulation of body temperature. People normally sweat more profusely when it's hot outside or when exercising. People also sweat more in response to situations that make them nervous, angry, embarrassed, or afraid. In an estimated 2 to 3% of Americans, however, sweating can…...
Read MoreWhat are uterine fibroids?
Uterine fibroids, also known as leiomyomas or simply "myomas", are non-cancerous tumors that grow in, on, or outside of the wall of the uterus. In a study involving U.S. women between the age of 35 and 49 years of age, it was found that 60% of African-American women and 40% of Caucasian women had evidence…...
Read MoreWhat are treatment options for uterine fibroids?
Last article we learned about a very common gynecological problem, uterine fibroids, and the symptoms that they can produce. In the past, many women with large or highly symptomatic fibroids opted to undergo surgical removal of the uterus (hysterectomy). While removal of the uterus does provide definitive treatment for symptomatic fibroids there are a number…...
Read MoreWhat can I do about bad breath?
Almost everyone has had (or knows someone who has) bad breath. Termed "halitosis" in medical jargon, bad breath has a number of identifiable and often correctable causes. Unfortunately, the flavored gums, mints, and mouthwashes available in the local pharmacy provide only temporary improvement and do not generally address the underlying cause. Let's look at some…...
Read MoreCan food really help with exhaustion?
Fatigue is defined as a feeling of weariness, tiredness, or lack of energy. There are a number of conditions that can lead to fatigue including anemia, depression, thyroid disease, and diabetes. Many people reporting temporary or recurrent fatigue, however, are tired because of three factors---inadequate sleep, poor nutrition or excessive stress. In today's Health Tip,…...
Read MoreCan soda really affect my bones?
Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones lose strength and density. Results of studies have been inconsistent, but some point to soft drink consumption as having a negative effect on bone density. This has important implications to the more than 10 million Americans, mostly women, who have osteoporosis as well as those who are at…...
Read MoreWhat is Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is a chronic medical condition characterized by widespread muscle pain, fatigue, and multiple tender areas known as "trigger points". Fibromyalgia is considered to be an arthritis-related condition, but it is not truly a form of arthritis because it does not affect the joints (knees, shoulders, wrists, etc.) per se. Nor is it associated with…...
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