Fighting Inflammation with Food - Health Channel


Fighting Inflammation with Food |

Fighting Inflammation with Food, Health Channel

Dr. Moises Lustgarten, Pain Medicine Physician with Baptist Health South Florida, says people need to eat fresh fruits and vegetables of all sorts, small amount of nuts, olive oil, fish and limited amount of chicken or meat. “I always encourage to eat grass-fed type of meats, when they don’t. What they’re eating are these cows that have been grown in an environment where they’re overfed for a couple of days before they’re sacrificed to be eaten.”

He also recommends avoiding eating fast-food, sodas, fried foods, refined carbs, because all the processed foods go through a process that requires a lot of chemicals, hormones, and biochemical substances to make it look that way and none of these are natural.


Fighting Inflammation with Food, Health Channel

One thing you obviously tell them is diet and exercise. When you emphasize diet, what are some of those foods that caught that caused inflammation, that you tell your patients remove that right now? > Well there are way too many to say, you know, don’t eat this. I tell them what to eat, and what you need to read is you need to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, of all sorts, small amount of nuts, that have shown great benefits, — olive oil — olive oil. — yes — Fish and limited amount of chicken or meat. > Okay. > And I know it sounds cliche because everybody talks about organic but I always encouraged to eat grass-fed type of meats when they don’t what they’re eating is this cows that have been grown in an environment where they’re overfed for a couple days before their sacrifice to be eat — right — they get hormones, they get antibiotics, they get some other things. So whenever they can — you put that in your own body your body — your body’s gonna try to destroy you’re gonna enter your inflammatory state that causes so many other healthy so many issues. > I want to bring up that graphic again because there are some that we should avoid in there and one of them being a fast-food, sodas, talk to me about these Dr. > Well fried foods, sodas, refined carbs, all those processed foods go through a process of manufacturers — right — that requires a lot of external issues, chemicals, hormones, and biochemical substances to make it look that way, — to make it look natural — and none of these is natural. And your body cannot process that. — right– It requires a lot of effort to process all this and that creates these responsible trying to aviod

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