Recovering from a Breast Implant - Health Channel


Recovering from a Breast Implant |

Recovering from a Breast Implant, Health Channel

Is it painful after a breast augmentation surgery? Dr. Daniel Careaga, Plastic Surgeon with Baptist Health South Florida, explains how patients describe that discomfort and what they feel in the chest area.


Recovering from a Breast Implant, Health Channel

Is it painful after the surgery a lot less than most patients think it’s gonna be okay cuz I would think it’s very painful it’s actually not so there’s a little bit of discomfort associated most patients describe it as just a feeling of pressure in their chest I do keep them comfortable with pain medicine usually they need to take that probably for about two or three days but my average patient goes back to work in about three or four days it’s not a bad recovery at all when the surgeon is very meticulous in opening the muscle just going fiber by fiber being careful to avoid any bleeding in the space around the implant that really leads to less inflammation less trauma and less pain so when can they go back to their normal life if you will so I let people go back to the gym in a month and start out with low impact cardio and leg weights and that two months is when I let them start doing upper body again fantastic and go back to work usually about three or four days as long as it’s not a strenuous job not too bad at all and any tips to make the recovery process easier for a woman so basically you just listen to your surgeon’s instructions you know we are give very detailed instructions as to step by step what the recovery is going to be like what to do what not to do and that really makes a recovery go a lot smoother nobody likes to uncertainty people like to know exactly what I’m gonna feel how I’m gonna feel it and how long is it going to last alright and the recovery for breast augmentation is it is it comparable to breast lifts it’s about the same a breast lift has a little bit longer recovery I usually tell people to plan on taking about a week off of work for a breast lift okay any last-minute thoughts that you would have on someone who may be interested in doing this surgery is kind of like on the fence not sure so do your research the American Society of Plastic Surgeons website is a great place to start there is a ton of great information there videos before and afters and then of course they have the surgeon referral program where you can see which of the member surgeons in your city are close to you because ultimately if they are a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons you know that they are board-certified and they have received the proper training and credentialing to do your surgery and then find a few go to their website see their before-and-afters compare the results look at their reviews talk to patients who have had surgery with them and go to a couple of consultations and see who you most feel comfortable with because ultimately it’s a partnership and you need to feel comfortable with that person trust them with your life and with your breast you

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