Safe Medication During Pregnancy - Health Channel


Safe Medication During Pregnancy |

Safe Medication During Pregnancy, Health Channel

Most of the asthma medication is completely safe during pregnancy, affirms Dr. Karen Salazar-Valdes, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Hospital of Miami.

However, the doctor says there are some medications patients should adjust during pregnancy such as medication for high blood pressure.

Also she recommends not taking aspirin or ibuprofen during pregnancy. In headaches cases, patients should take acetaminophen.


Safe Medication During Pregnancy, Health Channel

People who may be on medications asthma is a big one which of course a young part of our population can already be on chronic medications medication advice oh I’m pregnant now can i still take these medications what are some of more of the common medications that you find that you have – of course adjust or we have to work together as the primary care physician? I think for most medical conditions asthma being one of them
most of the medication we take an asthma is completely safe in pregnancy so you should not stop your medication just because you became pregnant right the the medications that sometimes we modified during pregnancy are going to
be medications for high blood pressure there are a lot of medications that are safe in pregnancy when you have chronic hypertension however there are certain that can cause birth defects so we try to stay away from ACE inhibitors which is the one that most people know about which is like the center pill. That’s often scary for a patient because efficient taking that medication for a while what’s kind of happened during my blood pressure is my pregnancy gonna be in trouble and a lot of times we do end up working. So if you’re pregnant and you’re on any of these medications continue to take them don’t stop because you actually can do more harm but just stopping the medication and rebounding having higher blood pressures and then I was trying to now restore another type of medication to help. You should absolutely bring the medication on your first prenatal visit because that very first opportunity with the case with ACE inhibitors which is a common blood pressure medication that can be switched from the very beginning correct? The main things to stay away during pregnancy when you are or when you learn about being pregnant is obviously don’t take any aspirin no motrin or ibuprofen people are always concerned about those things because for example headaches are very common at the beginning of certainly as the hormones are changing or because people stop drinking coffee all of a sudden so they get rebound headaches so it’s just important to know that you can take the the most safest or the safest drug out there will be tylenol and during pregnancy.

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