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What is Osteoarthritis?

Article Bones & Joints Arthritis Bones and Joints Joint Pain Joints Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type of arthritis affecting up to 27 million Americans.  In OA, cartilage that lines the joints breaks down.  With loss of this natural cushion, the bones begin to rub together, damaging the joint. Symptoms of osteoarthritis include pain, swelling and reduced range of motion.  OA can develop in any […]

What are the risk factors for melanoma?

Article Cancer Dermatology Skin Cancer Melanoma Skin Skin Cancer Skin Care Sun Exposure

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States, occurring in over 3.5 million people each year.  Three of the most common types of skin cancer are squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and melanoma.   Of these, the least common, but most serious is melanoma. What is melanoma?—Melanoma is a cancer […]

Is a gluten-free diet better?

Article Nutrition Diets Eating Habits Eating Healthy Food Gluten free

The term “gluten-free” is increasingly being seen attached to foods in restaurants and grocery stores throughout the U.S.  Even food items such as bottled spring water, fruits and vegetables, and eggs are being labeled “gluten-free” without ever containing gluten to begin with.  With millions of Americans making a change to eating gluten-free products, what are […]

Will my metabolism really slow with age?

Article Nutrition Senior Life Aging Body Weight Eating Habits Eating Healthy Metabolism

Metabolism comprises a number of biochemical processes that are necessary to maintain life.  One type of metabolism (catabolism) produces energy by breaking down complex molecules. The breakdown of carbohydrates during digestion is an example of a catabolic process.  The other type of metabolism (anabolism) is constructive, such as when muscle mass is increased. Anabolic processes […]

What is lyme disease?

Article Dermatology Bacterial Infections Illness Lyme Disease Skin Infections Ticks

In recognition of Lyme Disease Awareness month this May, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) encourages Americans to learn about this common tick-borne disease and take steps to protect themselves if they live in or visit areas with Lyme disease activity.  Statistics from the CDC indicate that there has been a progressive rise […]

How does the weather affect my health?

Article Healthy Life Arthritis Health Heart Disease Migraines Respiratory Disease Weather

Bioclimatology is the study of climate in relation to living organisms, in particular the way in which weather conditions can affect human health.  While this would seem to be a relatively new science stemming from concern regarding environmental deterioration, the relationship between atmospheric conditions and health was touched on over 2,000 years ago by Hippocrates […]

Is worrying too much a disease?

Article Mental Health Anxiety Generalized Anxiety Disorder Mental Health Stress Worry

Everyone worries or feels anxious from time to time.  Financial issues, conflicts faced at work, problems with relationships— these are just a few of the events that can bring about anxiety.  In prehistoric humans worry, or its more exaggerated counterpart, fear, may have even provided some benefits. Triggering the “fight or flight” response activated mental […]

Is it unhealthy to eat at restaurants?

Article Nutrition Calories Eating Habits Eating Healthy Food Restaurants

A restaurant dining survey performed by the market research group, Living Social, found that the average American eats out on 4.8 occasions each week.  Nearly half of these respondents described themselves as “meat lovers,” 22 percent said that they had a “sweet tooth,” and 19 percent were self-described “fast food junkies”. With the common tendency […]

Why do I have shaky hands?

Article Neurology Muscle Activity Muscle Movement Neurological Condition Parkinson Disease Tremor

Tremor is an unintentional, rhythmic muscle movement, most often affecting the hands.  In some cases, tremor can be a sign of a neurological disease but the most common type of tremor occurs in otherwise healthy people.  Today’s Health Tip will focus on this common type of tremor, known as “essential tremor”. Causes for tremor – There […]

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