Infectious Diseases

Infectious Diseases video playlist

Our experts in Infectious Diseases

Dr. Maria L. Alcaide

Professor of Medicine, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Dr. Alcaide is an Infectious Diseases specialist, Professor of Medicine, OB/GYN, and Public Health Sciences, and Director of Clinical Research, at the Infectious Diseases Research Unit, and the Miami Center For AIDS Research (CFAR) Clinical Core at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. […]

Barbara S. Russell

Director of Infection Prevention and Control Services, Baptist Hospital of Miami

Carlos del Rio, M.D.

Assoc. Dean, Emory University School of Medicine Carlos del Rio, MD, is a Distinguished Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Emory University School of Medicine and Executive Associate Dean for Emory at Grady.  He is also a Professor of Global Health in the Department of Global Health and a Professor of […]

Dr. Wasim Maziak

Professor & Chair of the Department of Epidemiology, Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work, Florida International University

Our latest Townhalls about Infectious Diseases