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Which is the right cold medicine to use?

Article Respiratory Health Cold Health Medicines Oral Decongestants Pain Medications

A trip to the pharmacy or grocery store to pick up an over-the-counter medicine to help with cold symptoms can be a confusing affair.  A host of manufacturers, each vying for your business, claim to be better than the others.  The use of different letters behind the name of the  same medication—AC, DM, LR, XP, […]

How loud is too loud?

Article Healthy Life Hearing Health Health Risks Healthy Habits Pain Risk of Hearing Sounds Level

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently released a report on the effect of unsafe listening practices on hearing. They estimate that up to one billion young people worldwide could be at risk of hearing loss due to exposure to excessive sound levels.  According to WHO, teenagers and young adults in middle- and high-income countries are […]

What makes a medical treatment no longer appropriate?

Article Internal Medicine Public Health Diabetes Type 2 Health Hypoglycemia Spinal Fractures Treatments

While writing an article on the various components of over-the-counter (OTC) cold medications, I learned that zinc, the active ingredient in a popular nasal spray marketed to shorten the duration of the common cold, had been removed from the product. This was requested by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) because of numerous reports of loss […]

Why do some people live longer?

Article Senior Life Genetic Mutations Health Risks Immune Smoke Unhealthy Lifestyle Habits

Scientists have studied populations of humans whose life expectancy fails to meet the norm.  Major factors related to a decreased life expectancy include: 1) poor genetics, 2) a weak immune system, 3) genetic mutations and 4) unhealthy lifestyle habits.  Lifestyle issues that are correlated with increased risk of disease and premature death include cigarette smoking, […]

What is Alopecia Areata?

Article Dermatology Alopecia Alopecia areta Hair Follicles Health Psychological Distress

Alopecia areata is a disease that affects hair follicles, resulting in patchy areas of hair loss.  In rare cases, the disease causes total loss of hair on the head and other areas of the body.  In general, alopecia areata is a benign condition, although it may cause significant emotional or psychological distress. Who Gets alopecia […]

Are eggs good or bad for you?

Article Cardiovascular Health Cholesterol Eating Healthy Eggs Food Myths Nutrition

For several decades, the humble egg has been maligned because of its cholesterol content and the concern that eating eggs raises coronary heart disease risk. Most of this concern appears to be theoretical, however, since more recent data from population studies indicates that moderate egg consumption does not significantly raise cholesterol levels, nor does it […]

Why do I wake up to pee?

Article Urology Bladder Nocturia Treatments Urination Urine

Nocturia is defined as “excessive urination at night”. Normally, the amount of urine the body produces goes down at night, reducing the need to urinate for the 6 to 8 hours that people are sleeping. Since waking to urinate on one occasion during the night is generally considered to be “normal”, having nocturia generally implies […]

Is listeria a real concern?

Article Digestion Diagnose Health Healthy Lifestyle Listeria Symptoms

Listeria monocytogenes, or Listeria for short, is a bacterium that causes an infection called listeriosis. Recently, Sabra Dipping Co. voluntarily recalled 30,000 cases of its Classic Hummus because of possible Listeria contamination.  Just prior to that, several people became infected with Listeria due to contamination of Blue Bell ice cream.   As of this writing, no […]

Can someone really die of loneliness?

Article Healthy Life Cigarette Smoking Growing Loneliness Mental Health Obesity Premature Death

Cigarette smoking, obesity, and alcoholism are all well-known causes of premature death.  Recently, two closely related risk factors—social isolation and loneliness—have also been identified as being important in causing early mortality.  Social isolation can be characterized by living alone, having few social network ties, or having infrequent social contact. These issues are considered to be […]

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