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Are there new alternatives to screening for colon cancer?

Article Cancer Colon Cancer Colon Colon Cancer Colonoscopy Health Health Risks

Guidelines published by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommend that adults ages 50-75 who are at average risk for the development of colon cancer can reasonably be screened by one of three methods: 1) fecal occult blood testing, 2) sigmoidoscopy, or 3) colonoscopy. Fecal occult blood testing involves the use of “cards” onto which […]

What should I look for in sunglasses for eye protection?

Article Eye Care Eyes Health Ophthalmology Protection Sunglasses UV

Rather than considering the amount of protection that they afford, new sunglasses are often selected for their frames, the size of the lenses, or for a particular coating on the lenses. It is important to remember, however, that the most important job for sunglasses is to prevent damage to the eyes from the sun’s harmful […]

Why do we need dental x-rays and how often should they be done?

Article Oral Health Dental Health dental Healthier Teeth X-rays

X-rays done during dental visits have seemingly become a routine part of the examination. But did you know that the American Dental Association (ADA) in conjunction with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has developed guidelines for when and why they should be performed? Why perform x-rays of teeth? Dental x-rays can provide valuable […]

At what point is my blood pressure too high?

Article Blood Pressure Cardiovascular Health Blood Pressure Heart Disease Heart Health Hypertension Medications

What is blood pressure? Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of arteries as it leaves the heart. Sufficient pressure is necessary within the circulatory system to move blood throughout the body. If blood pressure gets too high, however, a number of adverse health effects can develop. Why are two numbers given […]

Are there any benefits to drinking coffee?

Article Healthy Life Caffeina Diabetes Type 2 Drinking coffee Health Benefits Healthy Routine

Search the National Library of Medicine’s database, PubMed, and you will find hundreds of studies that have examined coffee’s impact on health. Not only does this research overwhelmingly suggest that moderate coffee consumption doesn’t cause harm, it appears that drinking coffee may even offer some health benefits. Moderate coffee consumption, defined as three or four […]

Should I be concerned about radon in my house?

Article Healthy Life Health Risks Radon

What is radon and where does it come from? Radon gas is formed by the natural radioactive decay of uranium in rock, soil, and water. It is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. Unless you tested for it, you would have no idea of its presence or its amount. It is found in all 50 states, although […]

Are over the counter drugs dangerous?

Article Addictions Mental Health Depression Drugs Health Medications Mental Health Prescription Drug

The abuse of prescription medications, especially those in the opioid class of drugs (e.g. Vicodin, Lorcet, Oxycontin, others), has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S. It is estimated that more than 2 million Americans suffer from substance use disorders related to these medications that are typically prescribed for pain relief. Inappropriate use of medications, however, […]

What is bursitis?

Article Bones & Joints Bursitis Health Impingement syndrome Sports activities Traumatic Injury treatment

Many people have heard of the term “bursitis”, but few know what a bursa, the structure that is affected in bursitis, actually is. In the body there are over 150 bursae (the plural of bursa). A bursa is a small jelly-like sac, which serves as a cushion to decrease pressure between two adjacent structures. For […]

Can a tick bite give me a meat allergy?

Article Allergies Respiratory Health Allergies Asthma Headaches Health Skin Sneezing Symptoms

People who live in the southern and central United States, areas of the country where bites from the lone-star tick (Amblyomma americanum) are common, are reported to be at risk of developing an allergy to red meat. The allergy is thought to develop as a result of exposure to a carbohydrate called alpha-gal (galactose-α-1,3-galactose) that is […]

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