The importance of getting regular exercise is so well known that there is little reason to rehash all of its benefits. Likewise, most people are aware of the physical activity recommendations for overall cardiovascular health promoted by the American Heart Association (AHA) that encourages healthy adults to do: At least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic […]
The retina is the light-sensing layer of tissue that lines the back of the globe of the eye. Images that are focused onto the retina by the lens of the eye are sent to the brain via the optic nerve. In the most common type of retinal detachment, a tear or break in the retina […]
During this time of the year, many eDoc clients write in to ask if their symptoms are more suggestive of a cold or with the flu. While both are caused by viruses, influenza or “flu” generally causes more severe manifestations than the common cold. Flu is characterized by the sudden onset of body aches, fever […]
Lymph nodes, sometimes referred to as lymph ‘glands’, are part of the body’s lymphatic system. The lymphatic system consists of a system of conduits and organized collections of lymphoid tissue that include nodes, the tonsils, and the spleen. Coursing through these channels is liquid called lymph that eventually drains into the bloodstream near the heart, […]
Most people know that antibiotics are used to fight infections. Millions of lives have been saved by their ability to combat bacterial infections. Many people are unaware, however, that antibiotics are not effective for all types of infections, specifically those due to viruses. Inappropriate use of antibiotics has led to the new problem of antibiotic […]
By definition, school violence is youth violence that occurs on school property, on the way to or from school, or during a school sponsored event. School violence can take on a number of different forms including weapon use, bullying, fighting, and electronic aggression. Statistically, most youth violence has involved persons between the ages of 10 […]
First of all, let’s be clear: cellulite is fat. Cellulite is not a medical term, but a term that was coined in European salons and spas to describe deposits of dimpled fat found on the thighs and buttocks of up to 90% of women. Cellulite occurs primarily in women, rather than in men, because of […]
Eye twitching, or blepharospasm, is a condition that generates a number of questions among our clients. “Blepharo” means eyelid and “spasm” refers to an uncontrolled muscle contraction. There are benign as well as serious causes of blepharospasm. Today’s Health Tip will look at the two most common types. Simple Eyelid Twitch Typically, with a simple […]
Palpitations are the unpleasant and sometimes alarming sensations of rapid, irregular or forceful beating of the heart. The term “palpitations” is fairly non-specific since it can refer to a number of different types of disturbances of the heart’s normal “rhythm”. Depending on the nature of the rhythm disturbance, palpitations may be described as “skipped beats”, […]