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Coronavirus Update | Asthma & the Coronavirus

Video Public Health Respiratory Health Coronavirus COVID-19

People with asthma are at higher risk for complications from the coronavirus We highlights what people with asthma can do to protect themselves.

Coronavirus Update | Preventing a Mental Health Emergency

Video Public Health Coronavirus COVID-19

Now that the CDC has said everyone should wear face coverings to stop the spread of the coronavirus, the Surgeon General shows how you can make simple face coverings at home with an old T-shirt and rubber bands.

Coronavirus Update | Question: Who is Most at Risk?

Video Public Health Coronavirus COVID-19

While most people with the coronavirus will have a mild or moderate case and then recover, our expert answers the question about who is most at risk for severe illness and why they may need to practice social distancing even longer than others.

Coronavirus Update | Helping Loved Ones While Social Distancing

Video Public Health Coronavirus COVID-19

Social isolation can be extremely difficult for people, even if it’s necessary for a short period of time to stay safe. But there are ways to adhere to social distancing and still check in and interact with loved ones.

Coronavirus Update | Don’t Fear the Coronavirus

Video Public Health Coronavirus COVID-19

Expert explains why we should take the Coronavirus seriously, but not be afraid.

Coronavirus Update | Helping Children with Autism Understand the Coronavirus

Video Mental Health Pediatrics Public Health Autism Coronavirus COVID-19

How to help children with autism better handle the impact of the coronavirus crisis on their world. Transcript Normal life for almost all of us has been severely disrupted by the coronavirus crisis but for children with autism and other special needs coping with this new normal can be extremely frustrating sticking to a schedule [...]

Coronavirus Update | The Importance of a Routine

Video Public Health Coronavirus COVID-19

Why it is so important to stick to a daily routine even during these difficult and challenging times.

DISCLAIMER: The information and opinions expressed in the programs on this channel and website are intended to address specific questions asked or situations described in each particular program, are for educational purposes only, and are not designed to constitute advice or recommendations as to any disease, ailment, or physical condition. You should not act or rely upon any information contained in these programs without seeking the advice of your personal physician or a qualified medical provider. If you have any questions about the information or opinions expressed, please contact your doctor or other medical professional.