Want to keep the fires burning even when you’re too tired? Got questions about how long ED medications last? We break it down on Sex Talk with Dr. Lia.
A man falls asleep during sex. Is it a medical emergency? And could testosterone gel be the cure for painful sex in seniors? All this and more on Sex Talk with Dr. Lia.
A man wonders if he should look for love while his wife battles dementia and the classic tale of the G spot gets a rewriting. This week on Sex Talk with Dr. Lia.
A man gets terrible headaches right at the height of passion. And a woman won’t talk about her sexual desires. What should her partner do? All this and more on Sex Talk with Dr. Lia.
Did you know being active in the gym could improve your activity in the bedroom? Everything you wanted to ask about sex but didn’t. Now you can on Sex Talk with Dr. Lia.
Dr. Lia, Sexual Health Expert, answers all your questions.
Discover the fascinating ways that sex affects our minds and learn how to enhance your sexual experiences. Plus, couples share their secrets for pleasure and romance.
We explore some of the foods that can actually improve your love life. We also highlight concerns, such as erectile dysfunction, and navigating pains and romance during pregnancy. Plus, an expert shares tips on staying sexually active no matter your age.