Symptoms of Arthritis - Health Channel


Symptoms of Arthritis |

Symptoms of Arthritis, Health Channel

Pain in joints that doesn’t go away, warmth and redness in joints, swollen joints, stiff joints, trouble moving joints in normal way, and grinding feeling of joint when moved are some of the symptoms of arthritis.

Dr. Juan Carlos Suarez, Orthopedic Surgeon with Miami Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute, says one of the most common symptoms of arthritis is stiffness. “Arthritis is a chronic condition that happens over time, and the interesting thing is that the evolution of it or the progression of it can vary from patient to patient, and also depends on the activity level of the patient, not everybody progresses at the same rate.”


Symptoms of Arthritis, Health Channel

So when something like that happens that condition and, doctor come join me back because we’re going to show some symptoms that you may feel if unfortunately this is happening to you right there, which the doctor just showed us, and doctor let’s go through these symptoms to look out for pain in joints that doesn’t go away, because it does look painful that image you just showed us.> Yeah so one of the most common symptoms of arthritis is stiffness people will say well I wake up in the morning, and my joints are stiff, and they’re hurting, and it gets a while for me to get going in the morning, so joint, pain, stiffness, swelling those are all common symptoms of arthritis, also people have what we call mechanical symptoms where they pay the the knees, give way on them and they don’t stabilize them as they walk.> And all of these symptoms that we’re seeing there the swollen joints, stiff joints, trouble moving joins in normal way, and grinding feeling, is this something that just gets worse over time?, is it imminent?, as it just happened?, does it become acute?, lots of questions there my apologies. > With us your arthritis or the wear and tear it just doesn’t happen like acutely, usually it’s a chronic condition that happens over time, and the interesting thing is that the evolution of it or the progression of it can vary from patient to patient, and also depends on the activity level of the patient, not everybody progresses at the same rate.

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