Weight Management during Pregnancy
Dr. Joanna Bedell, Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Baptist Health South Florida, says the average weight that a woman gains when it is one baby is about 25 to 30 if you are already starting at a normal weight. “For patients …
How does waist size affect BMI?
According to recent statistics, over two-thirds of adults in the U.S. are overweight or obese. While the “middle-age spread” is considered by many to be an inevitable aspect of aging, it should be recognized that along with an increasing waistline …
Will my metabolism really slow with age?
Metabolism comprises a number of biochemical processes that are necessary to maintain life. One type of metabolism (catabolism) produces energy by breaking down complex molecules. The breakdown of carbohydrates during digestion is an example of a catabolic process. The other …
Is it better to do cardio or weight lifting exercise?
Back in the early 70’s, Kenneth Cooper, M.D popularized the term “aerobics”, which referred to the types of exercise that focused on cardiorespiratory fitness. This spurred on the jogging, cycling and walking craze which continues today. Aerobic exercise, also known …