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Tag Archives: Skin

Melanoma: Warning Signs

Melanoma: Warning Signs

Asymmetry, border, color, diameter, and evolution are the warning signs to take care of moles. Dr. Deborah Longwill, Dermatologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains asymmetry means that the edges of the border are not symmetrical, and if you cut …

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Uses of Sunscreen

Uses of Sunscreen

Dr. Ileana Perez-Quintairos, Dermatologist at Baptist Health South Florida affirms daily sunscreen with SPF (Sun Protection Factor) 30 is highly recommended for daily use.

The specialist also explains for prolonged exposure it is convenient to use a higher SPF, which …

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Sunburn Treatment

Sunburn Treatment

Dr. Debra Price, Dermatologist with Baptist Health South Florida, says in case of getting a sunburn the important thing is to put a moisturizer on your skin, to take an anti-inflammatory agent like aspirin or Advil, and to put some …

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