Beyond the Battlefield: Self-Care Strategies for PTSD Town Hall - Health Channel

Beyond the Battlefield: Self-Care Strategies for PTSD Town Hall

Special thanks to the Eunice Joyce Gardiner Foundation for their generous philanthropy.


Monday, September 23 at 7:00 PM
Live on (@AllHealthGo) Facebook, and YouTube page, or stream on
New research shows that self-care may be an important strategy when it comes to helping veterans conquer post-traumatic stress disorder and reclaim their lives. Join us as we explore transformative techniques and hear powerful stories of resilience from veterans who have been there and are now on a journey towards hope, healing, and a renewed sense of purpose. Don’t miss Beyond the Battlefield: Self-Care Strategies for PTSD—a Healing America’s Heroes Town Hall.


  • Olga Villaverde – Moderator


  • Montel Williams – Television Personality and Advocate for Veterans
  • Suresh P. Rajpara, MD – Chief of Psychiatry, WPB VA Healthcare System
  • Billie Smith, MPH, MS INTM, RDN – Clinical Dietitian, WPB VA Healthcare System

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