Healing America’s Heroes: Helping Veterans Come Home Town Hall - Health Channel

Healing America’s Heroes: Helping Veterans Come Home Town Hall

Special thanks to the Eunice Joyce Gardiner Foundation for their generous philanthropy.


Wednesday, May 15 at 7:00 PM

Live on Health Channel, AllHealthGo’s Facebook, and YouTube page, or stream on www.AllHealthTV.com/TownHall
Many people may not be aware of the various challenges military personnel face when they transition from active service to civilian life. These challenges include reconnecting with family members, entering the workforce, and relating to those who may not understand the experiences veterans have endured during their active duty. Additionally, adjusting to a different pace of life and work can significantly take a toll. In this Town Hall, we will speak with military leaders and advocates to explore how we can support these heroes in transitioning back home as smoothly and supportively as possible.



  • Olga Villaverde – Health Channel Host
  • Michael Zinner, MD – CEO & Executive Medical Dir., Miami Cancer Institute


  • Montel Williams – Television Personality and Advocate for Veterans
  • Loree Sutton, MD – Psychiatrist
  • Richard Peate, PSY.D – West Palm Beach VA Health System
  • Myriam Glémaud, PSY.D – West Palm Beach VA Health System
  • Bianca Oberhelman – Spouse of Retired Navy SEAL

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