Is there a treatment for low testosterone?
Most of us have heard of the male hormone, testosterone, and may have even blamed it for everything from extreme sports to the road rage videos on 'YouTube'. You may also have seen ads on TV, promoting testosterone therapy for aging men. This strange cultural phenomenon - simultaneously rolling our eyes at a hormone and…...
Read MoreIs it healthy to fast?
Intermittent fasting (IF) is a type of diet strategy that limits calorie consumption to certain hours within a day, or days within a week. Proponents claim that going without food on a regular basis can reduce disease burden/risk and increase longevity. Some of the more popular types of intermittent fasting are: Time-restricted feeding: requires limiting…...
Read MoreWhat is the best way to work out?
I was recently asked this question - what is the best way to work out? I find that people mean many different things when they ask this. Some mean, "What is the minimal amount of exercise that I can do and be healthy?" while others mean: "What is the best exercise for fat loss?" and…...
Read MoreWhy are opioids so dangerous?
You may have heard that there is an opioid crisis in the United States with people becoming addicted to pain killers, overdosing, and dying. Even though the Trump administration has identified the opioid epidemic as a "public health emergency," a recent public opinion poll suggested that Americans aren't as concerned as they should be. The…...
Read MoreCan my poop show if i am healthy?
There is a scene in Jurassic Park where a scientist (Laura Dern) digs through a massive pile of "droppings" to diagnose a sick triceratops. She wears armpit-high plastic gloves for her stool analysis, as a bemused onlooker (Jeff Goldblum) reminds her to "wash her hands before dinner." Stool analysis can be helpful in diagnosing gastrointestinal…...
Read MoreHow do I know if I am drinking enough water?
The body is made up of about 60% water, and daily intake is obviously vital for survival. You have probably heard that you need to drink 8 glasses of water per day, at a minimum. This is a general guideline that does not take into account your activity level, health status, the temperature/humidity of your…...
Read MoreDo topical (rub on) pain medicines work?
Your grandma may have told you to put hydrogen peroxide or alcohol on a wound, but that is actually not a good idea. The instinct to kill germs with a strong antiseptic is understandable (how many times have we used alcohol-based, hand sanitizers -like Purell- as an alternative to hand washing?) However, broken skin that…...
Read MoreWhy do plants trigger my allergies?
Allergies develop when the immune system overreacts to substances in the environment, such as the pollen of trees, grasses, weeds, or mold spores. Allergy symptoms, triggered by the release of histamine in the body, include itching, sneezing, hives, and wheezing. Seasonal allergic rhinitis or "hay fever," is common this time of the year because of…...
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