Why do we get fevers and when are they dangerous?
The idea of checking our temperature when we are sick is deeply ingrained in most Americans. Elevated body temperature most commonly occurs when the immune system is actively fighting off an infection (bacterial, viral, or fungal). However, fevers can occur with alcohol withdrawal, drug abuse (such as methamphetamines), or heat stroke from being exposed to…...
Read MoreHow safe is Tylenol?
A patient recently told me that he had heard that Tylenol (acetaminophen) can damage the liver. He wondered if it was safe to use it, and how much was appropriate to take. Interestingly, acetaminophen is the most popular drug in America. The Consumer Healthcare Products Association notes: Acetaminophen is the most common drug ingredient in…...
Read MoreHow safe is ibuprofen?
On any given day, 30 million Americans use a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) to treat their pain. Studies show that NSAIDs can reduce pain by about four points on a ten point scale. Ibuprofen is part of the NSAID class of drugs, and is the most popular. These common pain meds reduce inflammation by inhibiting…...
Read MoreWhat is the best way to treat a small cut or wound?
Your grandma may have told you to put hydrogen peroxide or alcohol on a wound, but that is actually not a good idea. The instinct to kill germs with a strong antiseptic is understandable (how many times have we used alcohol-based, hand sanitizers -like Purell- as an alternative to hand washing?) However, broken skin that…...
Read MoreWhat is fibrocystic breasts disease?
Whether called fibrocystic breast "changes" or fibrocystic breast "disease", it's a problem that affects up to half of all women at some point during their lives. Currently, most doctors just refer to women as having fibrocystic breasts, since it really isn't a disease at all. Fibrocystic breasts are lumpy, thick, and tender, especially right before…...
Read MoreHow do I know if I just have heartburn or if it is a heart attack?
Around six million people go to the emergency department each year with chest pain. In many cases, the determination has to be made as to whether the chest pain is due to a relatively minor condition or to a life-threatening process. Often this means making the distinction between heartburn (a gastrointestinal condition) and angina or…...
Read MoreHow should I protect my skin in the summer?
If you're interested in minimizing facial wrinkles, limiting "age spots" and discolorations, and avoiding skin cancer, then you must take steps to protect yourself from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation. After a long, dark winter, we all yearn to shed the sweatpants and sweaters and get outside into the sunshine. Just remember to protect your…...
Read MoreWhat should I eat when its hot?
I received an interesting question about whether or not a particular diet should be recommended in hot environments. I must confess that because I'm accustomed to air conditioning, I hadn't given it much thought recently. Significant research has been done on the eating habits of military personnel stationed in both very cold and very hot…...
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