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Ask Hanna answers

Do I have chronic insomnia?

Do I have chronic insomnia?

Poor sleep may contribute to increased risk for heart disease, diabetes, and depression, yet physicians often forget to ask their patients about their sleep habits until it becomes a crisis. Sleep specialists recommend that insomnia be treated at the same time as other medical conditions. It is common for clinicians to hope that if the…...
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Why do I gain more weight the older I get?

Why do I gain more weight the older I get?

The Obesity Society's December newsletter listed their top 10 articles from 2017. One of them caught my attention: "The real reason you're gaining weight as you get older." This article, featuring insight from Dr. Caroline Apovian, the Director of the Nutrition and Weight Management Center at the Boston Medical Center, focused on an overlooked truth.…...
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What is my normal blood pressure?

What is my normal blood pressure?

Should you aim for an even lower blood pressure goal? There is a hot debate going on right now between physician groups about blood pressure treatment. Specifically, when should we start prescribing blood-pressure lowering medications? When systolic blood pressure is greater than 140/90?  Or perhaps we should begin when it's as low as 130/80 if…...
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Do I need multivitamins?

Do I need multivitamins?

Most of us presume that taking a multivitamin every day is a good idea. "Can't hurt, might help" is what we think. And because many of us struggle with getting in enough vitamin-rich fruits and veggies, surely a little supplement is a reasonable "plan B." In fact, roughly one-third of American adults take a multi-vitamin.…...
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Is bad cholesterol hereditary?

Is bad cholesterol hereditary?

The New York Times recently featured a story on Bob Harper, a celebrity fitness trainer for the hit TV show, "The Biggest Loser." He is extremely fit and healthy, and yet had a massive heart attack at age 52. As it turns out, he has a fairly common genetic condition (it is estimated that 1…...
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Could ny skin lesion be cancerous?

Could my skin lesion be cancerous?

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States, occurring in over two million people each year.  Three of the most common types of skin cancer are squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Each has characteristic features that can help alert you to the possibility that you may have…...
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How can I prevent skin cancer?

How can I prevent skin cancer?

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States, occurring in over two million people each year.  Three of the most common types of skin cancer are squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Last article, characteristic features of each of these were described in order to help alert you…...
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Do fish oil capsules heal my heart?

Do fish oil capsules heal my heart?

I've been hopeful about the potential health benefits of fish oil since the late 90's when researchers proposed that omega-3 fatty acids reduced inflammation. Our cells are covered in a lipid bilayer that contains a compliment of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, and a higher percentage of omega-3 fatty acids has the potential…...
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