How Birth Looks Like? - Health Channel


How Birth Looks Like? |

How Birth Looks Like?, Health Channel

Dr. Alberto Sirven, Medical Director of the West Kendall OB/GYN Program and Women and Infant Credentials Committee Chairman with West Kendall Baptist Hospital, explains with a 3D imaging when a baby is dropping.

He describes the whole wonderful process of birth.
He also explains Braxton hicks are contractions usually associated with getting the uterus for going into labor.


How Birth Looks Like?, Health Channel

Now. We also have a 3D image of, I believe, a baby dropping. I love these kind of images where you kind of see it happening so tell us exactly what we’re looking at and, is baby ready to come out? Well we’re definitely seeing the baby coming out through the birth canal as you can tell, the baby has engaged and it’s already coming out through the SQ spines, you see their rotation external rotation the baby… and a flexion the head has to flex and then you’re gonna see the shoulders rotate in such a way that allows the shoulder for an anterior to posterior position. You’re gonna see the anterior shoulder being the delivered first and… somehow got stuck… maybe shoulder dystocia… So pretty much the same image as the baby comes out through the birth canal. You see the head going to risk a spine their rotation of the head the flexion of the shoulders and we should be able to see the delivery if this continues — I think the video stops right there but then obviously the baby would exit — Right. Then, you see the actual bit. What a miracle… I just see those things, I know you’ve seen this thousands, I can’t even… How many deliveries have you done? Do you even know? I don’t know exactly how many delivers. When I first started practicing my mentor dr. Serrano said make a list but I forgot, but I’ve done a lot of deliveries. Probably in the thousands and for you it’s just you know you’re so used to it. But for us to see that it’s just so fascinating. Doctor how can you tell the difference between having a Braxton Hicks, you mentioned Braxton Hicks, and… and what triggers it or practice contractions? There’s different ones, right? Well Braxton Hicks are contractions that are usually associated with getting the uterus ready for, for that time for going to labor. And Braxton Hicks occurred anytime in the third trimester and there are irregular contractions that don’t necessarily cost dilatation so they’re the same contractions, as the labor contractions, but they are irregular and did not cost dilatation.

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