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Georgiy Brusovanik, MD, Minimally Invasive Orthopedic Spine Surgeon

Doctor Bones & Joints

Dr. Georgiy Brusovanik is a minimally invasive orthopedic spine surgeon based in Miami, Florida. He trained at Duke University with both orthopedic and neurosurgical faculty. He specializes in helping patients with back and neck pain. Dr. Brusovanik is well-known locally and internationally. He has helped numerous professional and Olympic athletes, executives, and celebrities. He always attempts […]

Scarlet Constant, MD, F.A.A.P Board Certified Pediatrician

Doctor Pediatrics

Dr. Scarlet Constant is a dedicated pediatrician and a mother of two, uniquely equipped to understand the stresses and concerns of modern parenting. Recognizing the loss of generational knowledge and the overwhelming nature of internet advice, she established a boutique-style pediatric office to offer personalized care, continuous access, and meticulous attention to detail. Dr. Constant […]

How to Fit in a Bit of Self-Care as a New Parent

Article Pediatrics Women´s Health

You’ve got a full plate as a new parent. Your to-do list may not consist of the widest range of tasks, but the never-ending feedings, naps, and diaper changes make your days impossibly full. Becoming a parent for the first time can be overwhelming. And the best thing you can do to combat stress and […]


Instagram Live Women´s Health

Tips for How to Start Improving Your Posture Today

Article Healthy Life

As we get older, our body goes through many changes, and one of them is likely a decline in our posture. If you find that you are not standing or sitting as straight as you used to, then it is time to make a change because improving your posture can help you to feel better […]

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