The coronavirus crisis has taken a toll on much of society—including teenagers. Teens regular lives have been put on hold, and it’s natural for them to feel a sense of loss. But experts tell us it’s important for everyone to hold onto hope. Being hopeful about the future can help improve your mental and physical […]
Public health restrictions on places of worship are starting to relax as states allow reopenings. In this time of coronavirus uncertainty, faith and religious gatherings can provide peace, purpose and community.
There is now evidence that public mask wearing by healthy individuals and those infected can help slow the COVID-19 pandemic. Experts say while masks on their own will not protect fully against the infection if they are worn properly, they can provide an important barrier.
Health experts say it’s difficult to assess how the nationwide protests will influence COVID-19 infection rates. Those who have observed news photos say it’s likely that when protestors are wearing masks, they’re helping to reduce their risk of catching or spreading COVID-19.
A new study shows masks and social distancing can make a difference. Masks can reduce your risk of infection anywhere from 77% to 96%. The difference depends on mask quality and if you wear the mask securely over your mouth and nose with no gaps.
As the coronavirus continues to spread, older adults have emerged as the most vulnerable patients. Public health experts are urging older adults, especially those with health challenges, to stay at home as much as possible and to take other precautions.
A mother and daughter who caught the coronavirus at the same time shared many of the same symptoms from the disease. But the daughter had another symptom you might not expect, that can show up days before you realize you have the virus.
Coming up with fun and educational things to do with your children during the coronavirus crisis can be quite a task. Striking a balance between having fun and learning lessons is the key and it can happen anywhere.
The coronavirus pandemic has led almost every state to close schools. And parents are quickly learning that teaching their kids’ reading and writing on a daily basis isn’t as simple as some might think. The toughest part can be finding a routine.