Preventing Back Pain
Some advice to prevent back pain includes practicing good posture when you stand or sit, maintaining a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet, exercising to keep your back and abdomen strong and flexible, and taking steps to reduce stress on …
How can I control hunger during the holidays?
Of course being hungry is not a disease, but overeating and excessive weight is clearly a risk to health. Controlling one’s appetite and managing food intake seems to be particularly difficult during the holiday season. According to the National Institutes …
Can barbequed food make me sick?
Foodborne illness increases dramatically during the summer months, in part due to more people using outdoor grills or cooking while camping. When cooking outdoors, food safety features that a home kitchen provides, such as temperature-controlled cooking, refrigeration, and washing facilities, …
What is a good formula for losing weight?
We occasionally receive messages from eDoc clients expressing frustration with not being able to lose weight, despite eating a low-calorie diet and getting regular exercise. Once issues such as hypothyroidism are ruled out, the cruel reality is that weight loss …