Pregnancy & Back Pain
Being pregnant is a delicate topic because the woman is limited to what postures and what positions she can assume towards. Before she gets pregnant it is important to have a strong core and strong back muscles, recommends Dr. Melissa Guanche, Physiatrist at Baptist Health Neuroscience Center. Also she says it is important to take…...
Read MoreRunning while Pregnant
Dr. Alberto Sirven, Medical Director of the West Kendall OB/GYN Program and Women and Infant Credentials Committee Chairman with West Kendall Baptist Hospital, says running can be good for pregnancy, because the muscles in the vagina will be helped by the strength of the legs and the buttocks. He also explains the epidural allows mothers…...
Read MorePregnancy Complications and Hurricanes
"If you are pregnant and entering into hurricane seasons, thinking about where your pregnancy may be as we really gear up to the higher peak months of hurricanes season (August, September), it's a good conversation to have with your obstetrician-gynecologist if they would want you to come in and to make sure that you're okay…...
Read MoreEvolution of Maternity Care
Dr. Joanna Bedell, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, says a lot has changed in gynecology and obstetrics. There has been a bigger push to medically manage heavy bleeding, painful periods, endometriosis, and a lot of things that traditionally would have jumped to surgery. She also points out obstetrics has totally advanced. "Ultrasound…...
Read MoreBenefits of Safe Haven Program
A Safe Haven for Newborns is an option for women that are pregnant and do not know what to do, are hiding their pregnancy, and for those that are pregnant and receiving no medical care. Nick Silverio, Founder of A Safe Haven for Newborns, explains they receive seven or eight calls per day from all…...
Read MoreHair Loss and Pregnancy
During pregnancy, your hair looks great; but what happens after delivery? Monica Ponce, Physician Assistant with Sunset Dermatology, says why hair loss is a common thing after pregnancy. Pregnancy has a huge role here as well I remember after I gave birth to Samantha oh my word it was a sight to behold right…...
Read MoreRisks of an Early Delivery
Women with multiple pregnancies are six times more likely to give birth in prematurely terms. "Delivering early is kind of the hallmark risk of when you have multiple pregnancy. It's a space issue and when the uterus is distended or when it kind of gets large, if you just have one baby that takes about…...
Read MoreExpectations of Labor
Dr. Joanna Bedell, Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Baptist Health South Florida, says a labor process will depend on ultrasound findings and how the babies are positioned together. "Twins, if the first baby is head down and the second baby isn't too much bigger than the first baby, then it's safe to actually have a vaginal…...
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