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Tag Archives: Healthy Women

Prenatal Visits: Common Questions

Prenatal Visits: Common Questions

Regarding delivery, most questions are about epidural vs. natural delivery, Dr. Joanna Bedell, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains epidural is very safe and helpful. Dr. Sarah Bedell. Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, advises …

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Premature Birth Complications

Premature Birth Complications

Autism, intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, lung problems, and vision and hearing loss are some of the long-term health complications that premature babies can have.

Regarding prematurity, Dr. Alberto Sirven, Medical Director of the West Kendall OB/GYN Program and Women and …

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Fibroids and Pregnancy

Fibroids and Pregnancy

Pregnancy is possible even if there are fibroids. Dr. Alberto Sirven, Obstetrician & Gynecologist with West Kendall Baptist Hospital, affirms everything depends on the size and location of them. They wouldn’t necessarily cause miscarriage, but they tend to cause contractions, …

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