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Our experts in Exercise

Torre Washington

Professional Bodybuilder

Cristina Vigoa

Why do you get runner’s knee? Cristina Vigoa, Athletic Trainer with Miami Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute, explains the patellofemoral pain syndrome, how painful it is, and what can cause it. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons says most orthopedic injuries can be treated with some home remedies. Cristina Vigoa, Athletic Trainer with Miami Orthopedics […]

Anny A. Noratto

Yoga instructors have modifications for seniors. They use a chair, walls and props, among others, for better poses. Anny A. Noratto, Registered Yoga Instructor with AN Yoga Movement, explains some yoga benefits and she gives some tips for people who start practicing it. Acroyoga is a practice that involves yoga’s principles such as breathing, acrobatics […]

Dr. Jose Antonio, Ph.D.

Director & Associate Professor of Exercise & Sport Science with Nova Southeastern University