Vaccination: Benefits and Risks
There is no proven link between vaccines and autism. Dr. Mario Zambrano, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physician with Homestead Hospital, Vexplains few years ago there was a study published that was proven to be false. "That study was one of the biggest medical hoaxes in history and has done a lot of damage to vaccinations and…...
Read MoreThe Role of Culture in Vaccination
Dr. Mario Zambrano, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physician with Homestead Hospital, says when they talk about autism, they don't know all the facts about autism, but they know for sure that vaccines are not the cause of it. He explains for other cultures that are in USA, bringing the diseases to light is very important, as…...
Read MoreVaccination and the Immune System
Dr. Mario Zambrano, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physician with Homestead Hospital, explains some vaccines are live attenuated agents, like varicella, and some others are the protein derivative of the disease. "It's well known that live vaccines, like the flu vaccine, stimulate the immune system a lot better. It creates a longer protection, so we don't have…...
Read MoreLearning about Vaccination
Dr. Mario Zambrano, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physician with Homestead Hospital, explains the difference between inoculations and vaccinations. "With inoculation, they used to take pus or agents from the scab, and inject that into a patient to prepare the body to fight the infection. Nowadays, we have purified antigen; that's safer, it doesn't cause as much…...
Read MoreHow Vaccines Work?
Vaccines prevent diseases according to Dr. Deepa Sharma, Family Medicine Physician with Baptist Health Primary Care. Vaccines create antibodies, which are the warriors that will protect the body from getting sick. She also explains how polio and flu vaccines work...
Read MoreBenefits of HPV Vaccine
How does the HPV vaccine work? Dr. Ellen Schwartzbard, Obstetrician and Gynecologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains when it is the ideal age to get the vaccine, its benefits, and which diseases it prevents...
Read MoreVaccine Preventable Diseases
The CDC recommends additional vaccines such as: hepatitis A and B, human papillomavirus (HPV), meningococcal, pneumococcal and shingles. Dr. Deepa Sharma, Family Medicine Physician with Baptist Health Primary Care, explains how each type of vaccine works and how all of them can help prevent diseases...
Read MoreChild Vaccination Schedule
There are different vaccines according to the age of the baby. For example, for children who are 2, 4 or 6 months, specialists recommend vaccines such as DTaP, RV, Hib and PCV13. Dr. Scarlet Constant, Pediatrician with Baptist Health South Florida, explains first doses don’t prevent lifetime immunity and also she describes other group of…...
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