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How do I keep my skin from getting dry in the winter?

Article Dermatology Healthy Lifestyle Hygiene Skin Skin Care

In the wintertime, a number of factors can cause skin to dry out, leading to uncomfortable scaling, cracking and itching.   Lower outdoor humidity along with exposure to forced air heating, wood-burning stoves, space heaters and fireplaces can all cause skin to lose moisture. Additionally, taking long, hot showers or baths and use of deodorant and […]

What are some tips for driving safely in inclement weather?

Article Healthy Life Driving Precaution Safelty Sleep Efficiently Weather

Statistics indicate that of the more than 6 million vehicle crashes each year, 24% are weather-related. Weather-related crashes are defined as those that occur in adverse weather (i.e., rain, sleet, snow, and/or fog) or on slick pavement (i.e., wet pavement, snowy/slushy pavement, or icy pavement). Data compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) […]

How do I keep my New Year’s resolutions?

Article Healthy Life Drink water Mental Benefits New Year Resolutions Smoke

Lose 5 pounds this year? Spend more time with your family? Find a new job? Millions of people make New Year’s resolutions, but relatively few are successful in keeping them. This is evidenced by a 2007 study conducted by British psychologist Richard Wiseman who found that 88% of all resolutions end in failure. Not surprisingly, […]

Which is better for you: Bottled or Tap water?

Article Public Health Drink water Fluoride Health Benefits Healthier Healthy Habits

Surveys have found that the primary reasons people choose bottled water over tap water are: 1) the belief that bottled water is healthier, 2) that bottled water tastes better, and 3) that bottled water offers convenience. Which one is better in regard to taste and convenience could be debated, but according to a number of […]

What is the DASH Eating Plan?

Article Nutrition Dash Diabetes Eating Habits Eating Healthy Healthy Diet

Recently, U.S. News and World Report released its ranking of the best diets for 2014.  This list was compiled by a panel of health experts including nutritionists and physicians specializing in diabetes, heart disease, and weight loss. In this ranking, the DASH eating plan topped the list, beating out better known diets, such as the […]

What is Lou Gehrig’s disease?

Article Neurology ALS Brain Degenerative Disease Lou Gehrig's Disease Spine

ALS is an abbreviation for the disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Also known as “Lou Gehrig’s Disease”, ALS is a progressive degenerative disease that affects the nerves that control voluntary movements and muscle power. The specific types of nerves affected are the “motor neurons”, located in the brain and spinal cord. These are the nerves that […]

What causes my shoulder pain?

Article Back Pain Pain Management Bursitis Health Impingement Physical Therapist Shoulder Pain Tendonitis

The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey found that over the course of a year up to 50% of the general population will experience shoulder pain, with half of them consulting a physician. In most cases, this discomfort is related to trauma, although there are many other causes for shoulder pain. The shoulder is made up […]

What can I do for shoulder pain?

Article Back Pain Pain Management Acromioclavicular Fractures Health Shoulder Shoulder Pain

Part 2—Traumatic Shoulder Injuries Last week, common overuse conditions of the shoulder were described along with their treatment. This week’s Health Tip describes common shoulder conditions that develop as a result of trauma. First let’s review the anatomy of the shoulder. The shoulder is made up of three bones: the upper arm bone (humerus), the […]

Why should I stop smoking?

Article Public Health Respiratory Health Breast Cancer Cigarette Smoking Diabetes Healthier Pulmonar Sexual Dysfunction Smoking

The percentage of US adults who smoke cigarettes has been decreasing over the past several decades. In 1965 approximately 42% of adults smoked cigarettes as compared to 18% today. In spite of warnings regarding health risks associated with smoking, however, nearly 42 million adults and over 3.5 million middle and high school students continue to […]

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