Bones & Joints
Top Content about Bones & Joints
Our experts in Bones & Joints
Rafael Bernal
Interventional Radiology Technician with Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute
Dr. Matthew Cooper
Chiropractor, Certified Sports Therapist & Trained Enzyme Specialist with USA Sports Therapy
Dr. Terry Rubin
Chiropractor & Sports Medicine/Muscular-Skeletal Injuries Specialist with Florida Chiropractic & Sports Rehab
Dr. Alejandro Centurion
Overuse is the main cause of injuries. In cases of swimmers, overhead forward stroke can cause the most common injury in shoulders. Dr. Alejandro Centurion, Primary Care & Sports Medicine Physician with Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute, explains what freestyle stroke is. There are some factors that can increase the risks for a young […]