Bones & Joints
Top Content about Bones & Joints
Our experts in Bones & Joints
Cynthia Laportilla
Cynthia Laportilla, Physical Therapist with Miami Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute, says the average of physical therapy after a total knee and total hip replacement is about three months, and usually about more or less twenty-four sessions. “Usually your therapist will have conversations with you; they might tell you you’re right on target, or this […]
Dr. Jobyna Whiting
Posture is one of the most important things that can affect how your necks feels. “We have several muscles that attach from our head and from our neck down to the lower part of our body. Maintaining good neutral posture is going to keep you from overworking those muscles in the wrong kind of way […]
Phillip DePaola
Phillip DePaola, Physician Assistant with Miami Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute, explains the ACL is in the middle of the knee, between what is called the two condyles. In the procedure they make tunnels that are going through the tibia and they also make a femoral tunnel. “We prepare the need to receive the graft […]