Cardiovascular Health

Approximately 2,200 Americans die of cardiovascular disease each day – that’s an average of one death every 40 seconds. While you can’t change factors like age and family history, even modest changes to your diet and lifestyle can improve your heart health and lower your risk by 80 percent.

Our experts in Cardiovascular Health

Dr. Bernardo Lopez-Sanabria

Interventional Cardiologist with Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute

Dr. Elliot Elias

Cardiologist with Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute

Dr. Harry Aldrich

“It’s an important part for everybody to take part in their own care to prevent heart disease, and the main part of doing that is to be sure that you’re not becoming overweight, keeping your blood pressure under control, and watching your cholesterol not go up,” says Dr. Harry Aldrich, Medical Director, Echocardiography, EKG and […]

Dr. Lauren Frost

Cardiologist with Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute

Resources for Cardiovascular Health