
Our experts in Exercise

Anny A. Noratto

Yoga instructors have modifications for seniors. They use a chair, walls and props, among others, for better poses. Anny A. Noratto, Registered Yoga Instructor with AN Yoga Movement, explains some yoga benefits and she gives some tips for people who start practicing it. Acroyoga is a practice that involves yoga’s principles such as breathing, acrobatics […]

Dr. Wayne Goldstein

Podiatric Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Physician with Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute

Brian Betancourt

Brian Betancourt, Exercise Physiologist with Baptist Health South Florida, explains, with a digital imaging, three simple exercises for beginning a routine. He says these exercises can be done at a gym as well as at home if the person does not have enough budget. Vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and fruits are the main components […]

Dr. Paula Walker

People go to yoga to stress out their physical body and to de-stress their minds, explains Paula Walker, Yoga Instructor & Director of Marketing and Events at greenmonkey® yoga. The specialist advises taking the yoga out off the mat and get it to real life. After a lot of practice, people have to take a […]