Browse our Directory of Articles
- What is Degenerative Disc Disease?
- Unlocking the Secret to Healthy Aging: The Role of Primary Care Physicians
- Understanding Stress: Causes, Symptoms, and Coping Strategies
- Understanding Scoliosis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
- Supporting Children’s Mental and Emotional Well-being
- Staying Safe and Healthy This Summer: Expert Tips from Nurse Katie
- Preparing for Hurricane Season: Essential Tips for Medication, Safety, and Health
- Expert Tips for Skin Care, Sunburn, and Bug Bites
- Navigating Newborn Care: Expert Tips for First-Time Parents
- Medication Safety: Avoid Common Mistakes and Stay Safe
- Your Best Defense Against Seasonal Illnesses
- What is Narcissism? Insights Into a Complex Personality Disorder
- Outsmarting Seasonal Viruses: Tips for a Healthy Winter
- Supporting Senior Mental Health
- Skin Deep: Expert Answers to Your Biggest Skin Health Questions
- Navigating Breast Cancer: Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions
- Navigating Academic Challenges and ADHD
- Feeding Your Kids: Expert Tips for Nutrition, Solids, and Snacking
- Conquering Chronic Pain: Treatments, Tools, and Therapies
- Breaking the Silence: Men’s Mental Health
- Easing Nighttime Discomfort: Effective Sleep Solutions for Back Pain Relief
- How to Fit in a Bit of Self-Care as a New Parent
- Tips for How to Start Improving Your Posture Today
- Essential Daily Health Habits: Cultivating a Lifestyle of Wellness
- Use These Simple Wellness Strategies for a Balanced Life
- Teen Depression Treatment
- Eating Disorders in Teens
- Anxiety disorder in teens
- Navigating Stress: A Blueprint for Harmonious Living
- Understanding the Different Forms of Hemp and Their Uses
- Breast Cancer Awareness Infographic
- The Health Benefits of Riding an Electric Bike
- Importance of Sunscreen and Sun Protection
- Understanding Sun Damage: Exploring the Layers of the Skin
- Revolutionary Medical Breakthrough: Early Detection of Heart Failure in Women
- Acne: A Common Skin Condition
- The Bright and Dark Sides of the Sun: What We Learn from Its Effects on Our Health
- Understanding Side Effects of Radiation Therapy: Managing and Mitigating Discomfort
- Risk Factors Associated with Melanoma
- The Basics of the Skin: Exploring its Layers and Functions
- Diagnosing of Spinal Fractures
- Risk Factors for Compression Fractures: Exploring Gender, Smoking, and Weight
- The Deadly Impact of Hemorrhagic Strokes
- Act FAST: Recognizing the Signs of Stroke Can Save Lives
- The Importance of Hydration: Exploring Water Choices and Water Safety
- Exploring Rehabilitation Options for Stroke Patients
- Understanding Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Strokes: Causes and Effects
- Understanding Arterial Occlusion: The Dangers and Importance of Timely Intervention
- Understanding Stroke: Causes, Occurrence, and Impact on Health
- Advances in Stroke Treatment: Medication and Mechanical Intervention
- The Brain’s Remarkable Ability to Rewire Itself After a Stroke
- Understanding Stroke: Causes, Disabilities, and Rehabilitation
- Managing Post-Stroke Pain: Addressing Psychological Components
- Types of Pain After Stroke: Understanding and Management
- Understanding Stroke Rehabilitation: Importance and Process
- How a Village of Healthcare Professionals Come Together to Care for Stroke Patients
- Mini Strokes: What They Are and What You Need to Know
- Is There a Window of Recovery Right After a Stroke that’s So Crucial?
- Atypical Stroke Symptoms in Women: What You Need to Know
- Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Strokes: Understanding the Differences
- Understanding AVMs and Hemorrhagic Strokes
- Community Education and Awareness for Stroke Prevention and Treatment
- Breast Reconstruction Options After Lumpectomy
- Fat Grafting: A Natural Alternative to Breast Implant
- The Damage of Smoking: Examining Smoker’s Lungs
- Reversing Fibrosis and Skin Changes After Breast Cancer Surgery with Fat Grafting
- Understanding Placenta Previa: Symptoms, Risks, and Management
- Understanding Different Types of Birth Control: IUD, Injection, Patch & More
- 4 Reasons Why Birth Control Pills Are So Popular
- Understanding Changes in a Woman’s Body During Menopause
- Link Between Thyroid Hormones and Female Fertility
- Understanding PCOS and Hypothalamic Dysfunction
- The Importance of the Hunger-Fullness Scale for Healthy Eating
- Understanding the Differences in Hair Loss Between Men and Women
- Maximizing Nutrition with Smoothies During Cancer Treatment
- The Critical Role of Attitude in Fighting Cancer
- Understanding How Genetic Testing Helps Detoxification
- Understanding the Difference Between Tumors and Cancer
- Understanding Cancer Pain: Causes and Symptoms
- Understanding ADHD Behaviors and Causes
- Understanding Autism in Children with Dr. Yadira Torres
- Understanding Cerebral Palsy Treatment Options with Dr. Lucinda Arenas
- Helping Your Child with Autism Thrive | Health Channel
- A Guide for Parents to Understand Children’s Developmental Tasks
- 7 Risk Factors For Breast Cancer | Health Channel
- Understanding the Different Types of Ovarian Cancer with Nurse Kristina Rua
- Understanding Pancreatic Cancer and Its Symptoms with Dr. Omar Llaguna
- The 3 Types of Skin Cancer | Health Channel
- How Cancer Treatment Can Affect Fertility | Health Channel
- Should You Rest and Take it Easy if You Have Heart Disease?
- Heart Disease Diagnosis Explained | Health Channel
- Silent Heart Attack Signs | Health Channel
- A Heart Healthy Diet
- Broken Heart Syndrome: Cause and Symptoms
- 6 Essential Nutrients the Body Needs
- What are the benefits of an Alkaline Diet?
- Nutrition: S.M.A.R.T Goals Interview with Natalie Castro, RD
- How Does Nutrition Affect the Brain?
- Nutrition and Older Adults Interview with Angie Placeres
- Healthy Eating Habits For Children Interview With Amy Kimberlain
- Benefits of Eating Nutrient-Dense Foods
- Healthy vs. Unhealthy Foods Interview With Unni Greene
- What Are Healthy Snack Options?
- What Does A Healthy Food Plate Look Like?
- Why You Should Know About Lung Cancer
- Secuelas de La Pandemia y Nuestra Salud Mental
- Las Felices Fiestas: Como vencer la tristeza
- Postpartum Struggles
- What Are Miscarriage Warning Signs
- What Are The Symptoms of Premature Labor
- Baby Development: 0-3 Months
- Taking Care of New Moms
- Youth Suicide Prevention: Should We Talk About It?
- Which Genes Are Associated with Breast Cancer? | Health Channel
- Breast Cancer: Myths and Facts with Dr. Priyanka Grover | Health Channel
- 2022 New Breast Cancer Treatments | Health Channel
- Is Breast Cancer Associated To Lifestyle? | Health Channel
- Different Types of Breast Cancer | Health Channel
- How to Handle Keto Diets with Lucette Talamas
- Is the Mediterranean Diet the BEST Diet for a Healthy Heart?
- Are Plant-Based Diets Safe for Children?
- What are the Pros & Cons of Intermittent Fasting?
- Coping with Breast Cancer Diagnosis with Dr. Adrian Christian | Health Channel
- Risk Factors for Breast Cancer with Dr. Priyanka Grover | Health Channel
- 5 Things That Can Help Mitigate Breast Cancer | Health Channel
- Does Deodorant, Underwire and Bras cause Breast Cancer? | Health Channel
- Causes of Breast Cancer with Dr. Jane Mendez | Health Channel
- Breast Cancer Self-Exam with Dr. Lauren Carcas | Health Channel
- How To Prevent and Treat Back Pain | Health Channel
- Difference of Acute vs. Chronic Back Pain | Health Channel
- How Steroids Can Be Used to Ease Persistent Back Pain | Health Channel
- Causes of Morning Back Pain | Health Channel
- Daily Habits to Avoid Back Pain | Health Channel
- New Advances in the Treatment of Gout
- Red Flags of Low Back Pain Interview With Amir Mahajer
- What Happens When Spine Discs Degenerate?
- Weight and Back Pain Correlation Interview with Dr. Tolchin
- Reducing Inflammation In The Body Can Reduce Back Pain
- Common Causes of Thoracic Back Pain
- Exercise Guidelines for Adults
- Relationship Between Exercise and Diet
- Exercises for Senior Adults with Osteoporosis or Arthritis
- Can Diet and Exercise Reverse Hypertension?
- Exercises for Back Stress Fractures
- Dos and Don’ts of Core Exercise
- Is Rowing Good for Back Pain?
- Best Exercises for Lowering Blood Pressure
- Breathing Techniques For Pain Relief
- Strengthening Exercises For Neck Pain
- ADD & ADHD in Children
- Daily Sugar Intake for Children
- Common Developmental Disabilities in Children
- Asthma Symptoms in Kids
- How to Prevent Computer Vision Syndrome
- CPR Differences in Adult & Kids
- Can Children with Scoliosis Live Normal Lives?
- How to Spot Constipation in Children & How to Treat It
- Making a Morning Routine for Kids
- Concussions in Children: Symptoms
- Diabetes and Male Sexual Health
- How Sexual Dysfunction Correlates With Undiagnosed Issues
- Health Tips for Men
- Causes of Menopause and Andropause
- Intimacy After Prostate Surgery
- Understanding Prostate Cancer
- Male Pattern Hair Loss
- 10 Common Conditions in Men
- Heart Disease, a Threat for Men
- The 5 Leading Causes of Death in Men
- Weight Loss and Body Changes
- How to Launch a Personal Comeback
- Women and Stroke
- Helping Kids With Disabilities Make Healthy Choices
- How does waist size affect BMI?
- What are the best ways to lose “belly fat”?
- Why do people choose to decline immunizations?
- Is Colorectal Cancer screening effective?
- How much alcohol is too much?
- What should I know about Type 2 Diabetes?
- What is the difference between viral and bacterial infections?
- Why are viral and bacterial infections treated differently?
- Why should I know the side effects of my medication?
- What are some of the most important medical breakthroughs in recent history?
- How should children be protected from the sun?
- Should I be concerned about infections caused by “flesh-eating bacteria”?
- Is eating fish really good for brain health?
- What is a Heart Murmur?
- Is a Heart Murmur something to be concerned about?
- What is Parkinson’s Disease?
- Is it dangerous to exercise extreme heat?
- What are Skin Tags?
- What are effective home remedies?
- How can West Nile Disease be avoided?
- What is Hantavirus and who is at risk?
- What is Actinic Keratoses?
- What steps should be taken to prevent falls among the elderly?
- How do I calm Restless Leg Syndrome?
- What is Cardiovascular Disease?
- What are the 7 Healthy Habits for heart care?
- How and why are joint replacements done?
- What are some uncommon symptoms of common diseases?
- How can I control hunger during the holidays?
- How Contagious are Respiratory Tract Infections?
- What do these different categories of food dating mean and are there exceptions to these designations?
- How do I make the best of my skiing vacation?
- What should be done for osteopenia?
- When is Gastric Bypass surgery a good option?
- Can children have hypertension and type 2 diabetes?
- Why should I finish my antibiotics when I’m feeling better?
- What is a peanut allergy?
- Are there any dangers inside my home?
- Are there any alternatives to a colonoscopy?
- What is the Peripheral Nervous System and what is Peripheral Neuropathy?
- What are symptoms Peripheral Neuropathy and is treatment available?
- How does an iron deficiency affect someone?
- What is the correct way to use sunscreen?
- Are there any benefits to riding bike?
- Why do women get a preventive mastectomy?
- Can barbequed food make me sick?
- How beneficial is a PSA in screening for prostate cancer?
- Are there health benefits to having pets?
- Can some pets make people sick?
- What is causing my heel pain?
- What’s so bad about sugary drinks?
- Can probiotics help with diarrhea resulting from antibiotics?
- What can be done to avoid traveler’s diarrhea?
- What is a good formula for losing weight?
- How do I take care of an ankle sprain?
- How do I manage a tick bite?
- How are strokes detected and managed with FAST?
- Do Baby Boomers have a higher risk of Hepatitis C?
- Why do temperature changes affect me as much?
- What do I do if I am losing my sense of taste?
- What do I do if I am losing my sense of smell?
- Can regular food and drink affect prescription drugs?
- Is my office chair affecting my back?
- Why am I seeing spots, flashing lights, zig zags?
- Why do my toes and fingertips change colors?
- What does S. A.D. mean?
- Does my asthma inhaler affect the ozone?
- What is the best way to treat a common cold?
- What really works to treat a cold?
- What is in Hand Sanitizers and How Do They Work?
- How do I keep my skin from getting dry in the winter?
- What are some tips for driving safely in inclement weather?
- How do I keep my New Year’s resolutions?
- Which is better for you: Bottled or Tap water?
- What is the DASH Eating Plan?
- What is Lou Gehrig’s disease?
- What causes my shoulder pain?
- What can I do for shoulder pain?
- Why should I stop smoking?
- Could I be Depressed?
- How is photodynamic therapy used for skin lesions?
- Does yoga help with back pain?
- Can I overdose on OTC medicine?
- How can I tone upper arm flab?
- What does Autism Spectrum Disorder mean?
- What can I do to help a slipping memory?
- What can I do for a scratched eye?
- What is the difference between a benign and malignant tumor?
- What is fragile skin?
- Are there any screening tests for lung cancer?
- What is MERS?
- How do I manage lower back pain?
- How do I treat Poison Ivy?
- How do vaccines work?
- What are side effects of vaccines?
- Is antibacterial soap really necessary?
- Are all dietary supplements safe?
- Do we really need to drink so much water?
- What is supportive care in relation to Ebola infections?
- Why is it important to have a strong core?
- What do our muscles really do?
- Can a backpack really cause back issues?
- Does muscle really weigh more than fat?
- What should I know about ovarian cancer?
- How serious is a concussion?
- What should I do if bitten by an animal suspected of being rabid?
- What effect does excessive drinking have on the body?
- Is there really such a thing as a “broken heart”?
- How do I alleviate tooth pain at home?
- How do I treat a dental issue while I wait to see a dentist?
- What is a goiter and what do you do about it?
- What are some effective home remedies?
- Why should I quit smoking?
- What is Psoriasis?
- What can I do to reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes?
- How are growth plate injuries treated?
- Is it really bad to overeat during the holiday season?
- Is there any truth to medical myths about the holiday season?
- Is dark chocolate healthy?
- What are ways to stay active during the winter?
- Why are certain cancers so hard to diagnose?
- Are there any home remedies for plantar warts?
- What makes some people decline immunizations?
- Do vitamins really work?
- When should I use a vitamin supplement?
- Which is the right cold medicine to use?
- How loud is too loud?
- What makes a medical treatment no longer appropriate?
- Why do some people live longer?
- What is Alopecia Areata?
- Are eggs good or bad for you?
- Why do I wake up to pee?
- Is listeria a real concern?
- Can someone really die of loneliness?
- What is Osteoarthritis?
- What are the risk factors for melanoma?
- Is a gluten-free diet better?
- Will my metabolism really slow with age?
- What is lyme disease?
- How does the weather affect my health?
- Is worrying too much a disease?
- Is it unhealthy to eat at restaurants?
- Why do I have shaky hands?
- In reality, how bad is cholesterol?
- Is it true that mosquitoes are the most deadly animals?
- What is an autoimmune disease?
- Can my finger and toenails provide a clue to how healthy I am?
- Is it dangerous to have so much medical information available?
- Is there really such a thing as a summer cold?
- Should I breastfeed my baby?
- How can I protect my eyes and preserve my vision?
- What is a Sports Physical?
- Should antibiotics be used for respiratory infections?
- Are asthma cases on the rise?
- Is there a way to manage my anxiety without medications?
- What is the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day?
- Is using a microwave oven dangerous for my health?
- Is it just a cough?
- What is the best type of screening for breast cancer?
- What are the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?
- What is the treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome?
- Do video games promote an aggressive behavior?
- Is there a link between type 2 diabetes and alzheimer’s disease?
- Is the “5 seconds rule” scientifically accurate?
- Am I getting the right medical treatment?
- How does a cold affect our body?
- Is using cotton clothing dangerous in freezing temperatures?
- What is seasonal affective disorder (SAD)?
- How does carbon monoxide poisoning happens?
- Can dietary supplements be dangerous?
- Which mattresses are the best?
- Is itching really a sign of healing?
- What is a canker sore?
- Can I get a good workout in seven minutes?
- Is texting bad for my health?
- What are the signs of depression in teens?
- Do popular supplements work for the common cold?
- Is it ok to take cough medicine?
- Why do we sneeze?
- Are there new alternatives to screening for colon cancer?
- What should I look for in sunglasses for eye protection?
- Why do we need dental x-rays and how often should they be done?
- At what point is my blood pressure too high?
- Are there any benefits to drinking coffee?
- Should I be concerned about radon in my house?
- Are over the counter drugs dangerous?
- What is bursitis?
- Can a tick bite give me a meat allergy?
- How much water should I be drinking?
- Are there any new treatment options for Type 2 Diabetes?
- What and where are brain-eating amoebas?
- How can I make sure my picninc food doesn’t spoil and make me sick?
- What diseases can mosquitos spread?
- What is Macular Degeneration?
- Is my sweat normal?
- What are uterine fibroids?
- What are treatment options for uterine fibroids?
- What can I do about bad breath?
- Can food really help with exhaustion?
- Can soda really affect my bones?
- What is Fibromyalgia?
- What is Hepatitis?
- What are the risk factors for Breast Cancer?
- What are some things I can do to lower my risk of Breast Cancer?
- What counts as domestic violence?
- What is the difference in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes?
- Is shingles a recurrent chickn pox?
- What are options for physical activity that is not “working out?”
- What happens if my retina is detached?
- Is it a cold or the flu?
- What do I need to know about swollen lymph nodes?
- When do I really need antibiotics?
- How do I speak to my children about school violence?
- What works and doesn’t work on cellulite?
- Why does my eyelid twitch?
- Are my palpitations a cause for concern?
- When does a wound need stitches?
- What is the difference between heart attack and heart failure?
- Are black widow spiders bites deadly?
- Is it better to do cardio or weight lifting exercise?
- Could I have Celiac Disease?
- Why do my feet hurt?
- What is the function of the pancreas?
- Why do I have trouble peeing?
- Why do some people have to be put on a ventilator?
- How long is our intestine?
- How can I keep my kidneys healthy?
- Is it true that the spleen has no specific function?
- What is the function of the liver?
- What is the difference between arteries and veins?
- Why do my legs swell?
- Is my thyroid gland making me fat?
- What is the lymphatic system?
- What is anemia?
- Is it dangerous to be in the sun?
- What is C. Diff?
- Bursitis And Common Symptoms
- What is heatstroke?
- What is plantar fascitis?
- What is the safe way to observe a solar eclipse?
- Why am I losing my hair?
- Is there a treatment for hair loss?
- What should I do when the air quality is poor?
- Why is flood water dangerous?
- What are autoimmune diseases?
- When is the right time to get a flu shot?
- How can I manage my arthritis pain?
- Is there a way to rejuvenate my face skin?
- Why is my skin changing as I age?
- How should I protect my skin as I age?
- What should I do if I wake up with a stiff neck?
- Could you get altitude sickness at your local ski resort?
- How can I control what I eat during the holidays?
- What is causing my chronic diarrhea, gas, and bloating?
- How can I prevent falls?
- Why am I more at risk of falling as I get older?
- How effective is the flu vaccine?
- Is holiday heart syndrome real?
- Do I have chronic insomnia?
- Why do I gain more weight the older I get?
- What is my normal blood pressure?
- Do I need multivitamins?
- Is bad cholesterol hereditary?
- Could my skin lesion be cancerous?
- How can I prevent skin cancer?
- Do fish oil capsules heal my heart?
- Is there a treatment for low testosterone?
- Is it healthy to fast?
- What is the best way to work out?
- Why are opioids so dangerous?
- Can my poop show if i am healthy?
- How do I know if I am drinking enough water?
- Do topical (rub on) pain medicines work?
- Why do plants trigger my allergies?
- Why do we get fevers and when are they dangerous?
- How safe is Tylenol?
- How safe is ibuprofen?
- What is the best way to treat a small cut or wound?
- What is fibrocystic breasts disease?
- How do I know if I just have heartburn or if it is a heart attack?
- How should I protect my skin in the summer?
- What should I eat when its hot?
- Should I exercise when its hot?
- What does or doesn’t an electrocardiogram say?
- Why do I need an electrocardiogram?
- Why does my stomach make so many noises?
- How can I get a good night’s sleep?
- Do I Have Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
- What is the best treatment for high blood pressure?
- How should I monitor my bloodpressure at home?
- Should I get my teen vaccinated for meningitis?
- Is not breastfeeding bad for my baby?
- Is breastmilk better than formula?
- How can I avoid lead poisoning?
- What is shingles?
- Should I get a Shingrix shingles vaccine?
- How can I sleep better?
- Why do we sleep?
- Am I getting enough sleep?
- Do I need a family doctor?
- Are there any activity guidelines I should follow?
- Do I need antibiotics?
- Are holiday decorations safe?
- How can I control weight gain during the holidays?
- Do I have the holiday blues?
- What is seasonal affective disorder?
- Are my healthy resolutions realistic?
- Why is it harder to exercise in winter?
- What is pinworm infection?
- Should I take vitamin D?
- What are the effects of high blood pressure in the brain?
- Is dry skin serious?
- How long does it take for blood to get around the body and back to the heart?
- Are vaccines safe?
- Do oatmeal baths work?
- What are the signs of a stroke?
- Is hepatitis dangerous?
- What is Hepatitis A?
- What is Hepatitis B?
- What is Hepatitis C?
- Can someone donate organs while still alive?
- How does organ donation work?
- Is it baby blues or depression?
- What is autism?
- Is there a test to know how long I will live?
- What is IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
- What is the FODMAP diet and how can it help my IBS?
- How can I protect my skin in the summer?
- How do I treat a sunburn?
- How do I prevent food poisoning?
- What is food poisoning?
- Is it a headache or a migraine?
- How is migraine diagnosed and treated?
- How can I prevent osteoporosis?
- What are the risk factors and complications of osteoporosis?
- What healthy drinks should I offer my children?
- How do I prevent poison ivy rash?
- Is poison ivy dangerous?
- How can I manage chronic pain and fatigue?
- What are the symptoms and the treatment for gout?
- What is gout?
- When should I get my flu shot?
- Are all toys safe?
- Do I need antibiotics for a sinus infection?
- Do I Have the Flu? (part two)
- Do I Have the Flu?
- What is RSV? (part two)
- How often do I need to check my smoke alarm?
- Why is carbon monoxide dangerous?
- How do I keep food safe during holiday’s cooking?
- What is RSV?
- Should I exercise when I am sick?
- Does radon cause lung cancer?
- Is is true that sitting for too long is as bad as smoking?
- Do You Know Your Heart Age?
- Is high blood pressure bad?
- What is the latest about Coronavirus?
- How can I boost my immune system?
- How can I manage my stress?
- How can I cope with the stress and fear of COVID-19?
- What is Social Distancing?
- What do we know about COVID-19?
- How can I get more sleep tonight?
- How can I help my children cope with COVID-19?
- How should I wear a face mask?
- What is the anti-inflammatory diet?
- What is Kawasaki Disease and Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome in Children?
- How much alcohol is it OK to drink while on quarantine?
- What are the adverse effects of heavy alcohol consumption?
- What’s the difference between creams and ointments?
- What is the Mediterranean diet?
- Is the COVID-19 pandemic over?
- What are the warning signs of suicide?
- What kind of salt is healthier?